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📝 How to Succeed in Your 20's & Important Life Heuristics

Five Interesting Things I Came Across This Week

Sup friends 👋🏼,

I spent a lot of in-person time with the team this week - I value being IRL.

There were a couple of instances where messaging over slack weren’t quite allowing us to make progress as quickly as we wanted.

In fifteen minutes, we made three big decisions that would have taken us a couple of days and at least two online meetings to resolve.

Here’s to more dinners and co-working time together 🤝

Let’s get to it 🙂 

1/ “The Master Has Failed More Than The Beginner Has Tried”

Loved this visual - we need to step up to the plate and be willing to take more bats, even if we strike out more than we hit a home run.

And reminding ourselves - that’s okay! That’s expected to happen!

We need to step up to the plate and risk falling down, in order to ultimately succeed.

Andrew Yeung hosts meetup events with tech professionals in NY and LA.

I saw he recently published an ‘advice’ post - my fave points:

  • Choose to be in a high-growth industry (your rate of learning will improve)

  • Smart = someone who can take action, quickly react to feedback, and make a logical decision to refine their approach

  • The most effective Q to get actionable feedback: “What is 1 thing I could’ve done better?”

  • Learn to write well - the most productive writing formats:

    • Reflections (“I learned X”)

    • Ideas & Perspectives (“I believe X”)

    • Updates (“I accomplished X”)

    • Instructions (“How to do X”)

  • Do what you say you’re going to do

  • Demonstrate integrity

Sound advice!

/3 How to Delegate Anything

For some, delegating is insanely challenging.

I appreciated this template from David Perell on what info to convey when delegating:

  • Name of the Project

  • Purpose of the Project

  • What Success Looks Like

  • Due Date

  • Checkpoints Along the Way

  • Examples of Success

  • Resources

/4 Uncomfortable Actions

Liked this tweet quote - we need to re-condition ourselves to make good decisions and take important action, even when there’s discomfort.

The most important actions are never comfortable. Fortunately, it is possible to condition yourself to discomfort and overcome it. I’ve trained myself to propose solutions instead of ask for them, to elicit desired responses instead of react, and to be assertive without burning bridges. To have an uncommon lifestyle, you need to develop the uncommon habit of making decisions, both for yourself and for others.

Tim Ferriss

/5 18 Useful Life Heuristics

Some of my favourite:

  • Instagram Razor - When you see a photo of an influencer looking attractive on Instagram -- assume there are 99 worse variations of that photo you haven't seen. They just picked the best one.

  • Everyday Razor - If you go from doing a task weekly to daily, you achieve 7 years of output in 1 year. If you apply a 1% compound interest each time, you achieve 54 years of output in 1 year.

  • Bezos Razor - If unsure what action to pick, let your 90-year-old self on death bed choose it.

More great ones in the thread 🙂 

That’s a wrap - let me know your favourite link 🙂 

Till next week,

Fahim ✌️