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  • Hello! Genesis 101 (The Bitcoin and Ethereum Whitepapers)

Hello! Genesis 101 (The Bitcoin and Ethereum Whitepapers)

Welcome to post #1! Summarizing the Bitcoin and Ethereum Whitepapers

Well, this is exciting.

This is my umpteenth attempt at starting to write regularly. 

I started up a regular writing schedule on Revue, and that failed. Got bored, too much work and moved on quickly (or not quickly enough). I then started writing on Wordpress, but switched over to GitHub Pages on my personal site and the content disappeared (I think it's still knocking about somewhere, but wasn’t worth the effort to find and resurrect). I started on Medium and have a few posts that are still alive - I wrote this on Credibility vs Experience while at University, and my attempt at garnering more subscribers to my fortnightly Revue newsletter by summarising one of my newsletters here (in hindsight, curating opinionated pieces wasn't a bad idea and might be something I do again, in some form).

Over the past few months, I've strapped myself in as I’ve dived straight into the metaverse rollercoaster. There is just too much excitement to simply ignore. New protocols, Dapps, DeFi, DAO's, Layer 2 scaling solutions and more have provided me with enough ammo that I could be kept busy for months and still have enough in the tank for other interests in my life (data science, sports analysis and business strategy).

In this attempt at writing regularly (I haven't quite decided on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule yet), I plan to write about some of the mentioned topics above while reaching out to new areas as my interests evolve.

While there’s A LOT of content already written about these topics, I hope to appeal to a different reader - someone who wants a no-frills understanding of what the heck is going on and where we’re going. Hopefully, this will also help me articulate these concepts better when asked by friends and family (or, just direct them to these posts).

With that long opening monologue over, I’m excited to begin the journey.

Genesis 101: A summary of the Bitcoin & Ethereum whitepapers

Much of my writing will act as a way for me to gain clarity on an important topic - it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole, but much harder to then explain this in simple terms for anyone to understand.

This is why the most logical place for me to start is the whitepapers that started everything.

⬇️ I wrote a post on Mirror, which you can view here or click on the image below ⬇️.

It’s going to be an exciting 2022 - till then, stay safe, healthy and enjoy the last couple of days of 2021.

- Fahim