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  • 📝 Biggest Life Upgrade in 2024 & Visuals for Every Investor

📝 Biggest Life Upgrade in 2024 & Visuals for Every Investor

Five Interesting Things I Came Across This Week

Sup friends 👋🏼,

Crazy busy week (when is it not these days). No fluff - let’s roll into it 🙂 

#1: 🚢 Turning around a company’s decline

I’ve followed Joel & Buffer’s story since inception - I remember Joel taking the time to meet me when I wanted to get advice on starting a startup when I was at university.

It’s easy to share when things are going well - not so easy the other way around.

Loved this thread of some of the strategies Joel shared to change the tide for his business.

#2: 👜 Your Biggest Life Upgrade in 2024

Love these types of threads - some good options here like:

  • Firing a bad client

  • Skipping breakfast

  • Macbook Pro

  • No alcohol

  • Writing 30min per day

  • Hiring a cleaner

Check out the full thread for more ideas.

#3: 🇪🇸 Why is Madrid the Capital of Spain?

A little different, but a fascinating thread - it’s a pretty unique city, especially compared to other capitals in Europe and its design.

#4: 💁🏻‍♂️Why you should get a coach

I’ve been considering the benefits of having different coaches for different aspects of my life - this was a timely thread. It’s brought me closer to at least trialing a coach (at some point).

#5: 7️⃣ Visuals Every Investor Should Know

A few interesting ones that are worth exploring further:

  • You make far more money by holding through the bull markets than you lose by holding through bear markets

  • Ignore forecasts

  • Investors are their own worst enemy

Short and sweet - would love to know which thread you resonated with 🙂 

Till next week,

Fahim ✌️