📝 The 4️⃣ Find (Tuesday?) #10

Four of the best tweets, links and memes of the week

Hey friend 👋,

Wanted to hit you with an early (or late?) post this week - I’ve got something bubbling up that I’m working on - excited to share with the world soon 👀

For now - let’s get to another week of memes, tweets, and stories (as it’s our 10th post, I’ve included a couple more gems from the week).


Due to Substack and Twitter not liking each other, I’ve not been able to embed any tweets in this newsletter (boo!), so I’m resorting to taking screenshots (and linking the image with the original tweet).

I have no idea if this post is legit or not - sounds like we’re preparing an emergency protocol when the AI overlords take over.


Love this post - shows the value of releasing a significantly better offering to the rest of the market, at a fraction of the cost. In summary:

  • Markus launched Plenty of Fish in 2003

  • He was generating $10m in revenue by 2008 and hadn’t hired his first employee

  • He regularly incorporated user feedback into his new releases and optimized content for search engine rankings

  • He’s super chill, and on most days, gets everything done for the day in the first hour


I forsee this happening more - folks who are long gone will make comebacks through AI bots, and we’ll start to see more people upload their brains to dedicated servers to live on and continue to generate thoughts & ideas. This is Transcendence brought to real life.


Great life hacks by Greg Isenberg (advisor at Reddit) - some of my favourite:

  • Keep a learning list, make learning your “side-hustle”

  • Craft personal mission statement, guide decisions

  • Tone of voice is the secret key to convincing people. Language is what we say, tone is how we say it. Study the greats and see how they do it. Then mimic them.


I love this twitter thread - basically the crux of tech tools. Two of my favourites:


It’s inevitable, right? Right?!

Until next time 👋

I hope you enjoyed this edition - hit me up with any feedback (reply here).

Have a great week folks ✌🏼,
