📝 The 4️⃣ Find Friday #9

Four of the best tweets, links and memes of the week

Hey friend 👋,

Another week of round-up of my favorite tweets, memes, and whatever else I find around the web.

Let’s get to it!


I love a good audit - Sahil breaks down a comprehensive quarterly audit which looks like:

  • Reflect: 2 questions to reflect on prior quarter

  • Assess: 3 questions to assess heading

  • Adjust: 5 questions to act on adjustments


  • What created energy?

  • What drained energy?


  • What is my "most important thing" right now? This is the big, long-term goal you’re focused on.

  • Are my current systems aligned with my long-term goals?

  • What is creating a drag on my progress right now?


  • How can I focus more energy on my most important thing?

  • How can I better align my systems with my big goals?

  • How can I reduce drag and accelerate my progress?

Simple, yet powerful questions.


The more we know about someone, the more we realise that everyone:

  • Makes mistakes

  • Aren’t as bad as we first thought

  • Aren’t the saints we first thought

Everyone is human - multi-faceted, complex beings in need of a little kindness in the world.


Fascinating set of studies on loneliness - the crux is to have a purpose beyond yourself. Join a group or community, do something that involves a collective and don’t isolate yourself from the world thinking you can do without everyone & everything.

Click the thread to see a link to a thread of articles & studies.



Until next time 👋

I hope you enjoyed this edition of The ‘Four Find Friday’ - hit me up with any feedback (reply here).

Have a safe weekend folks ✌🏼,
