📝 The 4️⃣ Find Friday #3

Four of the best tweets, links and memes of the week

Hey friend 👋,

The third installment of The Four Find Friday - brightening up your Friday in 2min or less :)

Let’s get to it!


Some of the tips:

  • Fitness is mental. Talk positively about yourself and believe in your future success

  • Family walks after meals should be non-negotiable. They improve insulin sensitivity, recovery from workouts, and overall mood

  • Compete only against the guy in the mirror not the guy who has already been in the gym for 10 years

  • Kids need to see their fathers willing to put themselves out there and compete

  • A high protein diet isn't just for bodybuilders. If you're breathing it’s for you

  • Find your "why" and focus on it daily as you work back towards a healthy lifestyle


One for all the Team Lead’s on a power trip:


We all spend too much time preparing for the questions we’re gonna be asked, rather than thinking about the questions we ask THEM. In a nutshell:

  • Brainstorm (your goals)

  • Research: industry, company, competitive landscape, role

  • Extract insights

  • Formulate high-signal questions (get them thinking)


Good manners go a long way!

Until next time 👋

I hope you enjoyed this edition of The ‘Four Find Friday’ - I’d love your feedback, or even, things I should incorporate for the next one.

Have a safe weekend folks ✌🏼,
