📝 The 4️⃣ Find Friday #1

A roundup of the best tweets, links and memes of the week

Hey friend 👋,

I'm introducing a new series called "Four Find Friday" (or "FFF" for short). Apart from my Monday newsletter, I read over 500 pieces of content each week and come across things I'd like to share that don't quite fit with the Monday Newsletter.

The purpose of "FFF" (let's see if this sticks) is to share a few quick bites from the week. This could include interesting tweets, memes, graphs, articles, or podcasts I've come across.

The aim is for this weekly segment to be a <2min read - so without further ado, let’s get to it!


This graph of who Americans spend their time with at various stages of their life is eye-opening:

For most people, after your 20s, you’re spending a tiny amount of time with your family and even with your friends.

Treasure the moments you have with your closest friends and family, and try to spend as much time with them as you can, while you can.


OpenAI - the creator of the AI-overlord everyone’s been talking about for the past month (chatGPT) - was valued at $29bn but the terms were very favorable to Microsoft.


Maybe not quite an AI overlord yet - chatGPT proves it’s a certified BS’er.

To save you the click:

  • Tim asks chatGPT what the fastest marine mammal is

  • chatGPT responds with ‘peregrine falcon’ (it’s not) and then corrects to ‘sailfish’

  • It’s not the sailfish either.



Until next time 👋

I hope you enjoyed the first edition of The ‘Four Find Friday’ - I’d love your feedback, or even, things I should incorporate for the next one.

Have a safe weekend folks ✌🏼,
